AMFI-Registered Mutual Fund Distributor

Our Services

Comprehensive Financial Health Check-Up

A comprehensive financial health checkup is the first step in our financial planning process.

Goal Based Investing

Are you worried about whether you have enough fund for your specific financials need like Child higher education, your retirement?

Secure Your Family

Life is unpredictable and 3D (Death, Disease, and Disability) can affect your financial stability and goals.

Investment Management

Everyone needs to save in rainy days for non-rainy days. Rain harvesting and savings have this common principle and we learned this from nature.

NRI Income Tax Filing in India

Expert assisted Income tax filing for Resident individuals with Foreign Income or Foreign Assets or just non-resident Indians (NRI) along with other income such as investment income

Income Tax Return in Switzerland

Has your Swiss tax return easily completed? How about taxation on your Indian assets and property? NRIs need to consider their India based Assets, liabilities, income, and expenses

How we work

Client Engagement

We will have detailed discussions with you and your family to understand your financial goals, assess your risk profile and life security requirements.

Investment Plan

Based on our interactions, investment options are presented to you along with a detailed explanation of the pros, cons, and potential risks involved in each case.

Execution and Periodic Review

We will remain in touch with you on a regular basis through any medium of communication for any discussions you may want to have and will set up annual meetings
